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Escaping Kidnappers
Escaping Kidnappers Read online
Escaping Kidnappers by Whitney Joseph
Brianna and her best friend, Aubrey, were walking home from a football match when suddenly two men came out from the bushes with masks. Aubrey was paralysed with fright but Brianna was completely calm.
"Look what we've got here." the tall and muscular man said.
Brianna could see the gun which was visibly showing on his side.
"This can go the easy way, or the hard way." the other said and Aubrey let out a whimper.
Brianna dropped her bag and then addressed the idiots who stood in front of her.
They were taken aback by her demeanour as any other person in a situation like this would be in fright, like Aubrey who was too scared to even blink her eye.
"No, you listen. This can go the easy way and we won't call the police or the hard way, with you being in a prison cell with a ton of gay men." she said boldly.
Brianna suddenly received a hard slap to her face which cause her to stumble and see black spots and two guns now pointed at them.
Aubrey let out a scream which was quickly muffled by the other man, who seemed younger than the one who had hit Brianna.
Brianna's face was red now, but not from the slap, rather from the anger which was building up from the fact that these amateur men were about to either rob or kidnap them.
Suddenly, a white van appeared and before either of the girls could run, they were grabbed and thrown into the van, with the two men shutting the door and the van screeching off into the night.
Read to find out what happens.
Chapter 1- The Football Game
"Aubrey, remind me again why do I have to go to this?" Brianna asked her best friend who was at her house currently throwing clothes out of the closet, to find the perfect outfit for her friend to go to the game with.
"I don't even know how to play football." Brianna whined, as she wanted to stay home tonight and just read on wattpad, like she had been doing every night for the last four months.
"I promise that you will have fun. Plus, that cute boy Josh will be there." she said trying to convince Bree to go to the game with her.
"No, he doesn't even like me." she responded, now sprawled out on her king sized bed, with her face buried in her pillows.
"Then why does he always want to know what you're up to and constantly asking you to go out with him?" Aubrey asked, making a valid point.
Brianna made a muffled sound and continued grumbling but it was incoherent as her face was stuffed in the pillow.
"What? I can't hear you." Aubrey responded in a mocking tone.
"I said...," Bree answered getting up from the bed and chugging the pillow at Aubrey but missed by a mile.
"Nice shot." Aubrey said sarcastically causing Bree to roll her eyes.
" I don't like Josh and he doesn't like me."
"Whatever floats your boat." Aubrey said, her eyes starting to light up as she saw the perfect outfit for her bestie.
"Floats my boat?" Bree asked as that saying sounded a bit weird.
"Ugh, it's something like that people normally say, but never mind that. I think I found the perfect outfit for you." Aubrey said and showed Brianna the most revealing dress which she had in her closet.
"Oh no! Kill me now." Bree said dramatically and fell to the ground, pretending to be dead.
"Come on, this should have everyone's attention." Aubrey said proud of her choice.
"Aubrey! We are not going to a strip club. We're going to a football game. Why do I have to wear this? Besides, half of the time there you will be cheering with your squad. I support you being a cheerleader and all, but I prefer staying home. You won't even find me in the bleachers." Brianna said trying to justify her reasons for wanting to stay home.
"Ok, fine. I understand. I guess not every best friend comes to support their cheerleader friend at one of the biggest games of the season." Aubrey said, putting her fake crying face which she knows could change anyone's mind with, as they would crack under the pressure of seeing her cry.
*Sniff* *Sniff*
"Aubrey, don't do this." Brianna said already feeling guilty about making her best friend cry.
The crocodile tears were starting to form and then Brianna caved under the pressure.
"Okay, fine. You win. I'll go to the game with you."
"Yes!" Aubrey said, all signs of her crying were gone and replaced with a huge smile.
"But I am going to choose what I wear." Brianna said causing Aubrey's smile to fade slightly.
"Fine." Aubrey said, accepting Brianna's right to wear what she wanted.
____At the Football Stadium_____
"I'm going to meet up with the girls, so I'll see you later." Aubrey informed Bree not long after they arrived at the school's football stadium.
"What? You're ditching me already?" Brianna whined in response.
"Bree..?" Aubrey said using the same whining tone her friend did.
"I knew it was too good to be true. Food is really and truly my only friend." Brianna responded causing Aubrey to laugh.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the two Bree's." Giselle said coming towards us and looking a bit disgusted.
"Giselle." Bree and Aubrey both said together, with little interest in their voices.
Giselle was the head cheerleader and very popular in the school, especially among the jocks. She was very pretty with long blonde hair and very beautiful blue eyes, which dazzled due to the makeup she was wearing. However, she had a nasty attitude and not even her so called 'besties' liked her.
She tried so hard to get Aubrey off the team but failed because the coach saw Aubrey's potential and talent, unlike Giselle who was only captain because rumours have it that her mother and the principal were good 'friends'.
Giselle rolled her eyes at Brianna and then left, followed by the rest of the squad.
"Great, now I'm alone....with food." Brianna thought and smiled deviously at her food.
Sadly, her plans were ruined when she heard her name being shouted.
"Brianna, I'm so happy you're here." Josh came, smiling like the geek she wished he was.
Josh was so sweet. He was a footballer, very smart and could become a great scientist or anything he wanted because of his intelligence.
"Hey Josh." Bree said trying to act cool.
However, her cheeks were already turning a bright pink, and it was quite visible.
"You came to watch me play, awesome!" he said.
His other mates were not too far away and were giving him thumbs up.
"No." Bree said quickly, making her seem mean.
"Really..." Josh said interested in why she was at the football game.
"I came here because I was forced to by Aubrey. If it was up to me, I would be home." Brianna said rolling her eyes.
"Well, the fact that you're here means that this must be my lucky day." he said trying to flirt.
"Josh! The game's about to start." his buddies hollered at him as they made their way to the lockers.
"Good luck out there." Bree told him and Josh gave her a peck on her cheek, taking her by surprise and then saying bye as he made his way to the lockers.
Brianna walked to the stands to get a good seat in order to see Josh while he played.
She sat by herself, but soon, some other students she knew saw her and she joined them.
Brianna was confused throughout the entire game but cheered whenever she saw her friends screaming and shouting, encouraging the footballers.
At the end, her high school won and everyone was happy, well, except for the losing team.
Brianna ran to meet Josh after the game.
"Congratulations Josh!" she exclaimed and hugg
ed him even though he reeked of perspiration.
"Thanks Brianna. Do you maybe...umm.....want..to..umm." Josh stuttered.
"Go on a date with you?" Brianna finished his sentence.
"Yes. I never thought it would be so hard to ask you out. I mean, I've asked girls out before but you're different." he said smiling and his cheeks slightly red.
"I would love to."Brianna responded causing people to jump up in joy and Aubrey to scream and run to attack Bree in a bone crushing hug.
"Can you get off of me."Bree asked Aubrey and she did so immediately.
"Do you need a ride home?" Josh asked his crush, hoping she would say yes.
Bree declined because Aubrey was with her and she knew Josh lived on the other end of town and was probably tired.
He insisted but Bree still declined.
Aubrey remained in her cheerleading outfit and they went for ice-cream in an ice-cream parlour not too far from the stadium and then walked back to Bree's house since Aubrey decided she wanted to spend the night.
Chapter 2- Gun Point
It was getting really late and after chatting with some friends at the ice-cream parlour, Brianna just wanted to collapse on her bed and sleep until Monday....and it was already Friday about 9:00 pm.
"Bree, don't you think we should call the chauffeur to pick us up?" Aubrey said causing Brianna to groan in annoyance.
"This is the most freedom I've had from nannies, butlers and chauffeurs. Thank God I don't need a body guard. I think I deserve some freedom once in a while." Brianna said sounding as if she had been trapped in a house of riches and protectiveness her entire life, which was sort of true.
"True. But your life is great. Almost anyone would trade places with you. You're rich, but yet still you act so cool and you are so nice to everyone. Including Giselle who pretends to be rich but we all know her mom struggles." Aubrey said.
"But at least she has her mom around. My parents are always so busy. They don't even know I left the house. My mom is on some business trip with her clients and my dad has this major court case coming up against him and with the number of threats and stuff made towards him, he has no time to care about the little things in my life." Bree said a bit sad, as she would trade all the money in the world just to have an ordinary life like what she saw on tv, although that too was a false reality.
"So only nannies for the weekend, this should be fun. I love Mrs. Winchester. She's so nice to me." Aubrey said smiling.
"Hey! Don't be stealing my nanny." Brianna said teasingly.
It was really dark and creepy and the neighbourhood they were passing through, although filled with wealthy people's houses, as you got further in, the spaces between the houses got further and the houses bigger.
"Bree, this walk today is taking forever and it's late. I think you should call a chauffeur to pick us up." Aubrey said, not feeling safe.
The wind began to pick up and Aubrey trembled as she was beginning to get cold. The leaves in the trees and bush began to rustle and the sky was pitch black, not a star noticeable in the sky, and the moon was completely covered.
"Fine! I'll call them. You big baby." Bree teased her friend and called the chauffeur but for some reason she wasn't getting any signal in the location they were currently in.
"There's something in the bush." Aubrey whispered, her voice sounding scared.
"What?" Brianna said loudly and suddenly, two masked men appeared before them, coming from the bush.
Aubrey was paralysed with fright but Brianna was completely calm.
"Look what we've got here." the tall and muscular man said.
Brianna could see the gun which was visibly showing on his side.
"This can go the easy way, or the hard way." the other said and Aubrey let out a whimper.
Brianna dropped her bag and then addressed the idiots who stood in front of her.
They were taken aback by her demeanour as any other person in a situation like this would be in fright, like Aubrey who was too scared to even blink her eye.
"No, you listen. This can go the easy way and we won't call the police or the hard way, with you being in a prison cell with a ton of gay men." she said boldly.
Brianna suddenly received a hard slap to her face which cause her to stumble and see black spots and two guns now pointed at them.
Aubrey let out a scream which was quickly muffled by the other man, who seemed younger than the one who had hit Brianna.
Brianna's face was red now, but not from the slap, rather from the anger which was building up from the fact that these amateur men were about to either rob, kidnap them or worse.
Brianna immediately kicked the gun from one of their hands, catching the man by surprise which gave her the opportunity to kick him in the chest and he fell to the ground with a loud thud.
The other man was still shocked and Bree moved so quickly that she pried the gun from his shaking hand and punched him hard in the face.
As he held his nose in pain, Bree decided to make it more painful for him and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. The other man was still out of breath trying to get up and Bree gave him a mawashi geri (roundhouse kick) to the face and he was out cold.
"Let's go!" Bree shouted and the two girls ran to escape their potential kidnappers.
As they ran, dogs from the various mansions began barking and some howling. The howl sounded depressing and Brianna felt that something bad was going to happen to them but she ignored that gut feeling and continued to run, pulling Aubrey along with her.
Aubrey was crying but trying to be strong. They were two houses away from Bree's house.
Suddenly, two black Audi R8's pulled up and a white van appeared and three men exited the back. Bree tried to divert but they were completely surrounded.
Before either of the girls could run through the bushes guns pointed at them and about eight men stood in their way.
Brianna wanted to fight them but she didn't want Aubrey to get hurt as they would probably kill her first.
Brianna looked at the luxurious cars which looked very familiar to her but before she could say anything, they were grabbed and thrown into the van.
Bree tried to fight them still but after much kicking and fighting, she was hit in the head with the back of a gun.
There was dead silence after this as Aubrey remained in shock, not even her sobs were audible as the men tied her up.
All that could be heard was the van screeching off into the night, with the two cars following them.
Chapter 3- Hostages Pt.1
Getting up, Bree groaned in pain. It smelt horrible where the girls were and it was very apparent to Brianna that she had been kidnapped. Her hands were tied up with rope and her feet were not on the ground. It was a painful position and her wrists had already turned red and blemished as her kidnapper must have tied the rope really tight.
For some reason, Brianna felt vulnerable. It was as if her whole world came crashing. Just as her crush asked her out and she actually went out and had fun, this happened.
She observed her surroundings and saw a girl's body in the corner of the dark room which she was locked up in.
The curly waves and the shadowy figure of the girl caused Brianna to fear the worst. Her best friend had been kidnapped too. Brianna knew she was kidnapped but had forgotten Aubrey was there, due to the hard blow she had received when they were taken.
"Aubrey!" Bree cried out to her friend.
"Bree, you're up." she whispered, her voice sounding hoarse from crying and she spoke as if she was going to start crying all over again.
"Don't worry, we're going to get out of here, but I need you to be strong and we need to act quickly." Bree told her best friend.
"Do you know why they took us?" Aubrey cried out.
"I don't know, but I wish you were not involved in this. This wasn't an ordinary kidnapping. I think this may have to do with my dad's case. I didn't care too much about the details of his case but let's hope we leave before we
meet our kidnapper." Bree said, trying to keep her hopes up.
"Are you tied up?" Bree asked her friend, plotting some sort of escape in her mind.
"Yh, they chained me by my ankle." Aubrey said sounding defeated.
Brianna tried to loose herself from the tight rope but this just resulted in the rope squeezing her hand more and cutting into her wrist. After groaning and struggling for a while, she relaxed and the strain on her body was unbearable.
"Help!" Somebody get me out of here." Bree cried out in anguish, "When I get my hands on you're gonna wish you never did this!" she shouted and began to scream loudly, causing Aubrey to just curl up into a tighter ball and cry.
After a minute or two, Bree stopped screaming and shouting profanities. She remained absolutely calm. Brianna knew that her parents would not get them out of this situation in a hurry, and probably didn't know they were missing. They were too busy with their ordinary lives. It was up to Bree to get them out of this situation alive and unharmed.
There was no way of telling time as they were in an enclosed and dark room with no windows. It was really dark in the room,and it would be no surprise if there were pests crawling around the room, as it did have a damp sewer smell.
Hours passed until the door opened, finally bringing in some light into the filthy room.
The door quickly shut and then a light was switched on. A single bulb lit the room, rather dull but clear enough to see Aubrey who was now watching the man in fear. He was very muscular and tall.
"So, you must be the feisty one." he said walking towards Bree in a demeaning manner.
Brianna remained completely calm throughout this, her head remained down and she rendered not a word to the man.
"Silent are we?" he said," What's your name?" he asked trying to get Brianna to speak to him.
"Fine, if you don't want to talk, I'll just go speak to someone else." he said walking away from Bree and he headed to the corner where Aubrey was.