Escaping Kidnappers Read online

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  But what made her so surprised was the fact that her mother was in that memory. Her mother was there when they were kidnapped, but how was this possible? Didn't she tell them that she was going on a business.

  "Bree, can you tell us what's going on?" Aubrey asked concerned.

  "I..I think my mom was the one behind our kidnappings." Bree said not knowing how to feel right now.

  Chapter 8- The Plan

  For the last three hours, more of Brianna's memory from the past returned to her and as she put the puzzles together, she understood what was going on. She apologised to Aubrey for ever getting her into that mess and begged her to forgive her.

  "Bree, don't beat yourself up. It wasn't your fault." Aubrey said and Josh comforted her.

  "My mother, the woman I knew my entire life was destined to kill my brother and I? How could a mother do this to her children? She loved Bryan so much. Why would she plan this? And why all these 'business trips'? Even after the death of Bryan, she still continued her trips. Was she really gone and why would she get you mixed up in this?" Bree said confused.

  "Does your father have anything to do with this?" Aubrey asked scared.

  "I don't this so. The way he looked at me when he saw me tied up, I saw him break. His eyes held so much emotion." Bree cried out.

  "We need to come up with a plan. You both can't hide away forever." Josh said and both girls agreed with him.

  "So, what are we going to do?" Aubrey asked.

  "Okay. I then I have the perfect plan. Josh, you will have to do all the dirty work." Bree said, looking at his reaction.

  "Why me?" he cried out scared.

  "Because Aubrey and I are supposed to be missing from our kidnappers. If we were caught, then we would be back with these awful people.

  "True." he said skeptically, "But I don't want to be kidnapped too."

  "Please, for me?" Brianna said, trying to seduce Josh.

  "Okay. But, when we get the bad guys locked up, you have to go on a date with me since you stood me up." Josh said, watching Bree intently.

  "Deal." Bree said smiling.

  "Okay. Can we stop with the mooshie stuff?" Aubrey asked.

  "Jealous much?" Josh teased Aubrey and she made a silly face at him.

  "Okay. So here's the plan. Josh will follow my father when he leaves the house tomorrow to go to work in the D.A's office. As soon as he gets out of his car in the underground parking lot, Josh will approach him and bring him into his car. Josh will then drive back to his house and my father will be able to explain what my mother has really been up to all these years and hopefully try to stop her, before someone else ends up dead." Brianna said.

  "That's a great plan. Nothing can go wrong." Josh said and Bree put her hand on her head.

  "Why would you even say something like that? Whenever someone says stupidness like that, everything goes wrong. Nice going Josh, you just sealed our fate. Good luck getting out alive to have your date with Bree." Aubrey said sarcastically to Josh.

  "Chill guys. We'll be fine. Plus, if anything, I'll come up with a backup plan. After all, I still have the gun we used to escape and it's fully loaded." Brianna said smiling evilly at the things she was imagining to do the guys who killed her brother.

  "Okay, let's get something to eat because I'm starving and then go prepare ourselves for tomorrow." Bree said and then went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

  Chapter 9- Shocking News

  Brianna got up at five in the morning and went to shower. She and Aubrey wore clothes that Josh's sister who was away at college, had left behind. She went to the kitchen and realised that Josh was already up.

  "Hey Josh." Bree said calmly.

  "Bree..." he said hesitantly.

  "Yes?" she said and he walked closer to her and placed his hands on her waist pulling her closer.

  "Brianna, I've had a crush on you from time I met you. You're such a sweet and kind person, even though you've friend zoned me for the last three years. I finally decided that I should stop acting shy around you and just be confident, because if I didn't act soon, someone else would. You said yes..."he said and his eyes began to water and voice cracked a little," And...that same went missing."

  "Josh..." Bree said trying to sympathize with him.

  "I thought I lost you. If only I had demanded that you got in my car, then you would not have been taken. Your bag and cracked phone were found not too far away from your house, as well as Aubrey's phone which had been run over by a vehicle. I was devastated. I longed to hear your voice and see you again. And the night you called me, I thought I was speaking to a ghost. You had been gone for two weeks already and people were saying horrible things, that it wasn't the first time you were kidnapped.... that..that..." his tears began to fall down his face and Bree wiped them for him, "this time they would not find you."

  Josh cried out and Bree hugged him tight.

  "Promise me, that you'll make it out of this remembering how much I love you so that I can officially make you my girlfriend on our future first date." Josh said and looked at Brianna with so much love. He then kissed her passionately on the lips but that was ruined by the clearing of someone's throat.

  Josh looked to see his mother standing there.

  "What's going on?" she asked with her arms folded and Bree turned around to face Mrs.Armstrong.

  "Is that the missing girl, Mr.Montgomery's daughter?" she asked and began to go ballistic on Josh.

  "Mom, calm down." Josh said.

  "Don't tell me what to do. I'm calling the police. Her parents have been worried sick about her. Has she been here all this time?" her mother said and ran to pick up the house line but was stopped by Josh.

  "Mom. Listen to me. Her mother set up the kidnapping. If you call the police, Brianna will be dead and I won't lose her ever again." he said causing his mom to stare at her son in shock.

  She stood speechless and Brianna too did not know how to react.

  Aubrey then came down the stairs and she could immediately feel the tension in the room.

  "Is this a bad time?" she asked skeptically.

  "This must be Aubrey. Are you okay sweetie?" Josh's mom asked her and she responded with a small smile and nodding of the head.

  _________an hour later________

  After that very awkward breakfast, the girls went to prepare themselves for the day. When they came back down the stairs, Josh was already dressed. He told the girls to relax and stay safe as he went to get Bree's dad.

  In the mean time, Brianna went online trying to track down her mother who was supposedly on a business trip. She decided to discover the reason why her mother would do such a thing. She began to read various articles about her mother.

  Ashley Montgomery, previously known as Ashley Ambrose until she married James Montgomery, a famous lawyer had a son who was killed after a kidnapping.

  Shocking, there was no information about Bree on the site. Bree decided to look at news and the articles from almost eighteen years ago shocked her.

  "Ashley Montgomery files for divorce after her husband cheats on her and impregnates another woman?" Bree said aloud, completely shocked.

  "What?" Aubrey said in shock,"She's not your mother?"

  Bree's eyes trickled tears but she ignored them.

  Aubrey decided to read instead of Bree, as this was hard to take in.

  "It says here that Ashley makes back with her husband and they put their past behind them. Ashley decides to raise the baby as her own together with her husband as the mother died after giving birth to the baby girl." Aubrey said and gasped in shock.

  "What else does it say?" Brianna asked nonchalantly.

  "Four years later and your life insurance is $1.5 million dollars thanks to your father. Your brother was at $2.3 million. And later down it says, after the death of your brother, your parents earn millions of dollars. The lavish lifestyle continued." Aubrey said, feeling emotional and wanting to cry for her friend.

  They sat
in absolute silence which was broken when the front door opened and Josh returned together with Brianna's father.

  When he saw his daughter, his eyes lit up and he ran to hug her, but she stood still and failed to return the gesture.

  "She's not my mother?" Bree said, and her voice cracked, showing how heart broken she was about this.

  "How did you know find out?" James managed to stutter, not knowing what else to say.

  "I got my memory back, after all the shock therapy you did to erase my mind." Brianna said upset and tears of anger streaming down her face.

  "Brianna. After you were kidnapped, I thought we had lost you. You were found barely breathing on a beach in Mexico three weeks later. When your mother and." he was cut off by Brianna.

  "She's not my mother." she gritted out with clenched fists.

  "I'm so sorry." he said sincerely," When Ashley and I flew back to Mexico to identify you, you were not the same little girl. Your dreams haunted you and you were afraid of everyone. You had many sleepless nights and after a year of going to counsellors and therapists, Ashley suggested shock therapy."

  "Continue." Brianna demanded.

  "Ashley was heart broken about the death of her only son. She was satisfied with the money she received as compensation but she changed as well. It was a horrible site. The decaying body of Bryan was planted in the house. We moved far away from that place afterwards. It was all too much to deal with. Ashley went on even more business trips, and from since then we probably saw her once or twice if we were lucky for the month. As a result, I became preoccupied with my work and trying to defeat the Mexican company who were doing illegal activities in America. The case was closed but a month ago, it resurfaced. I believed that they had something to do with Bryan and your kidnapping. I was determined to shut them down. I was so busy that I failed to realize that I was putting you in danger yet again." her father cried out.

  "Ashley..... she was the one in charge of the kidnapping. I keep seeing flashes of her on the boat we were held captive in. She was taking revenge on you for having me. She also wanted more money and this was a great way for her to get rid of me. Her son was kidnapped to raise less suspicion from her. However, she did not expect Bryan to be hurt. She hated me from day one." Brianna cried out.

  "Well, well, well. Looks like you've figured it all out." Ashley said clapping slowly and walking towards them slowly, while pointing a gun at them.

  What time did she enter the house? How did she find us?

  "Ashley!" her husband shouted, totally shocked.

  "And to think that you were stupid." she sneered at Brianna, "Took you long enough."

  "Ashley. Put the gun down." Mr.Montgomery begged her.

  "No. This never would have happened if you did not cheat on me! And that case with the Mexicans, you just couldn't drop it. This is your fault!" Ashley shouted and screamed angrily and removed the safety from her gun.

  "Isn't this a lovely family reunion." a deep Spanish voice said and Brianna gasped in shock at the man in front her.

  It was the leader of the operation, Antonio.

  "Dad, what are you doing back so soon?" Josh asked confused.

  "He's your dad?" both Aubrey and Brianna asked in shock.

  Chapter 10 - The End

  This was all very confusing for Brianna to digest. Here it was she was about to die because her father cheated on Ashley. Ashley was getting revenge when her son was killed , causing her to be more vengeful towards Bree.

  Bree did not know what was going to happen next . Both Antonio and Ashley had guns pointing at Aubrey, Brianna, Josh , Mr.Montgomery and Mrs. Armstrong.

  "Stop." Brianna said confidently and took a courageous step foward, "I'm the one you guys want to kill. Just take me and let everyone live. No one deserves to die because of me. "

  "Brianna. No!" James cried out, pleading his daughter not to sacrifice herself.

  "Dad, I don't know what is going in here but I won't let you take my girlfriend away from me." Josh yelled at his father.

  "Josh, I'm not your father." Antonio said, pointing the gun at Josh and released the trigger.

  "No!" Mrs. Armstrong said and took a bullet for her son.

  Everyone screamed and was in shock.

  Ashley took this moment to grab Brianna and had a gun to her head.

  "James. Drop the case. I have the only thing that is more valuable to you than money. Here's what you're going to do. Transfer $35 million dollars to an offshore account to me by Friday and just maybe, you will get your daughter back in one piece. If you don't, let's just say you'll watch your daughter's pathetic life ripped out of her and then receive her body in parts." Ashley said vindictively as everyone froze, not knowing how to react.

  "Ashley, you're not going to get away with this. You killed our son! And for what, money?" James cried out upset.

  Ashley rolled her eyes and Antonio pointed his gun at Josh, only to realise that he was gone.

  "Where is he? Where did he go?" Antonio shouted upset.

  "Ashley, let's get out of here." Antonio said and turned around, only to be sacked in the face by a baseball bat.

  He fell flat on the ground.

  Ashley released Brianna and began shooting at Josh, who ran into the corridor.

  "Come out you stupid boy." Ashley said, forgetting all about the other people in the room.

  Brianna took the gun which she had hidden in the couch and sneakily followed Ashley.

  Ashley had entered Josh's room and had him cornered.

  "You will never get away with this." Josh shouted, still having the baseball bat in his hand.

  " I think I will." Ashley smirked and the gun was fired.

  Only, it wasn't from her gun.

  Ashley's gun flew from her hand as she fell on the ground with a loud thud.

  "Bree." Josh cried out and ran to hug her.

  "I'm so happy you're okay." Bree said embracing her boyfriend.

  "Let's get out of here."Josh said and they exited the room hand in hand.

  They went to the living room only to find Bree's father knocked out cold and Aubrey was no where in sight.

  "Dad!" Brianna cried out running to her dad's aid. He had a bruise on his head and Antonio was no where to be seen.

  "Antonio's gone!" Brianna exclaimed.

  "And so is Aubrey." Josh said, causing Brianna's eyes to water and her heart shattered to the cold ground.

  Sirens could be heard from a distance and soon, the paramedics and police were at the house.

  Josh's mother was still alive and the paramedics were doing their best to revive her. They took her to the hospital along with Mr.Montgomery who had been knocked out by a blow to the head.

  Ashley was confirmed dead and questions were being asked by the police.

  Brianna identified herself as the missing girl and informed the police that Aubrey was missing again and so was Antonio.

  "Who called the police?" Brianna asked confused.

  "A young woman who identified herself as Aubrey called us. She informed us that she had been kidnapped together with her best friend by Ashley and Antonio and had escaped. She then revealed her whereabouts and that there was shootings and you were both being attacked by the assailants. She was about to say more when she suddenly screamed in horror and she apparently dropped the phone. We immediately got the paramedics and police on the way to the scene." the officer informed us.

  "You have to find Aubrey before it's too late. Antonio is a dangerous man. He has been doing illegal activities and my dad has been trying to shut down his businesses for years for all the fraud and murders he has committed." Brianna told the police.

  "We'll do our best." the officer said and then left the scene.

  "Josh, we have to find Aubrey before it's too late." Brianna said, with determination in her eyes.

  "Get your car keys." Brianna told Josh and then they ran out of the house.

  ______________An hour later____________

  "Brianna, we have al
l been so worried about you. Are you okay?" Mrs. Winchester asked Brianna, very concerned.

  "Stop the act and sit down." Brianna said harshly causing her nanny to flinch back in shock.

  "Bree, what's going on?" she asked astounded.

  Brianna then pulled out her gun and pointed it at her nanny.

  She sat down immediately and looked at Brianna in fear.

  "Tell me about your husband." Bree sneered.

  "Mm-my hu-husba-band?" she asked.

  Brianna simply glared at her.

  "Yes." Brianna responded annoyed and frustrated with the woman.

  "What about him?" she asked.

  "If you don't tell me everything you know about your devious husband I'm going to blow your brains out right here, right now!" Brianna shouted causing the woman to cower in the couch.

  "Mr.Winchester is-"

  "That's not his name. The chase is up. Antonio de Velez. Now tell me the truth or should I just end your life right now. Who hired you? Was it Ashley? Why? What tracking devices and plans did you guys use?" Brianna asked and the nanny began to cry.

  "They told me if I did not look after you, they would kill me. I had to give up my freedom to look after you. Ashley was in charge of it all. Tracking devices were put on your phone and when I overheard you and your friend wanting to go to the football game, it was the perfect time for Ashley to set up her plan. Antonio was my cover up as a husband and we plotted the whole thing. It was all done so that James would drop the case against Antonio and his Mexican gang and that Ashley would get her revenge on James for cheating on her and also vengeance for her first plan which backfired as her son was killed instead of you." the nanny confessed.

  "Where does Ashley have her plans set up?" Brianna asked her, still pointing her gun at the woman.

  "In a secret room in her closet." the nanny said and Brianna gestured the gun so that the nanny would show them.

  They entered the master bedroom and the closet. Beneath her makeup kit was a clear pad. The nanny entered the code and her dresser suddenly separated and a secret hallway was uncovered.

  "Woah." Josh said in shock, as these were things you saw in movies.